
The installation of the script is extremely easy

Do NOT use FileZilla to upload the files, otherwise the script will NOT work

Use WinSCP instead

  1. Download the script and extract it in your resources

  2. Add the script in your auto start (example: server.cfg)

  3. Configure the options in the config files (be sure to read the comments, they'll explain you everything)

Adding items - Optional

To add the premade items/drugs, you only have to run the file luxury_clothes_theft/sql/items_limit.sql or luxury_clothes_theft/sql/items_weight.sql depending on your server, if it uses the limit or the weight

The latest version of ESX uses weight

If it doesn't work, be sure to use the latest version of the official ESX with the dependencies

You are ready to go! Enjoy the script 😁

Last updated